A – The Doctrine of God

A – The Doctrine of God2017-03-30T17:07:04-04:00


This is how well you understand what the Bible says about God.  Who is God?  What is his nature, essence, character and will?  Do you understand the qualities of God?  How are these qualities expressed towards his creation and people?  Do you understand how God exists as Trinity?  Do you understand the deity of Christ and of the Holy Spirit?  Do you understand the roles of each person in the Godhead?


Key Scriptures are designed to give a biblical overview of the topic in question.  They are extremely valuable for gaining an immediate general understanding of what the Bible teaches on a given subject.  Key Scriptures are the first place you should explore when starting a new subject.  They can be discussed individually, in part, or in whole.  Generic inductive Bible study questions are provided to assist you in your discussion.  Key Scriptures are also good for memorizing and reference.

God is Creator

Genesis 1:1-2 – In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. NIV

1 Corinthians 8:6 – There is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live. NIV

God is one and only God

Deuteronomy 4:35-You were shown these things so that you might know that the LORD is God; besides him there is no other. NIV

2 Samuel 7:22-How great you are, O Sovereign LORD! There is no one like you, and there is no God but you, as we have heard with our own ears. NIV

See also Psalm 83:18

The Father is God

Matthew 6:9-10 – Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. NIV

Romans 8:15-For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” NIV

The Son is God

Isaiah 7:14 – Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. NIV

Matthew 1:23 – “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel”-which means, “God with us.” NIV

John 10:30 – I and the Father are one.” NIV

The Spirit is God

1 Corinthians 6:11 – But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. NIV

God is unchanging

Psalm 102:27 – But you remain the same, and your years will never end. NIV

Hebrews 13:8 – Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. NIV

See also Malachi 3:6

God is pre-existent and eternal

Exodus 3:14 – God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.'” NIV

Romans 11:36 – For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen. NIV

God is sovereign and omnipotent

Isaiah 55:9 – As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. NIV

Matthew 19:26 – “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”  NIV

Daniel 7:27 – Then the sovereignty, power and greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be handed over to the saints, the people of the Most High. His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will worship and obey him.’ NIV

God is omniscient

Psalm 147:5 – Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit. NIV

God is holy

1 Samuel 2:2 – “There is no one holy like the LORD; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God. NIV

God is righteous

Psalm 116:5 – The LORD is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion. NIV

Deuteronomy 32:4 – He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he. NIV

God is love

1 John 4:8 – Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. NIV

God is judge

Psalm 96:13 – He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in his truth. NIV

2 Timothy 4:1 – In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead. NIV

Inductive Bible Study Questions

to be used with individual Key Scriptures

  • What is the primary point of this passage?
  • How does this passage challenge us?
  • How does this passage comfort or encourage us?
  • What does this passage teach us about God?
  • What spiritual insights are found in this passage?
  • What are the personal & spiritual implications of this text?
  • What does this passage ask or require of us?

Key Scriptures Bible Study

to be used when studying all Key Scriptures together

  • Did any of the scriptures given surprise you? Explain
  • Did any of the scriptures given confuse you? Explain
  • Did any of the scriptures given comfort or excite you?
  • How would you sum up these scriptures to another?
  • What implications do these scriptures have for our lives?
  • Which of these scriptures would you find it valuable to memorize?


A1 – Who is the Creator? – Genesis 1
Key Words: God, Creation, God Creator, God’s Sovereignty, Omnipotence, Pre-Existence, Love

  1. Which qualities of God are inherent in the creation narrative?
  2. What does the act of creation indicate about the pre-existence of God? …the power of God?  …the knowledge of God?  …the sovereignty of God?  …the righteousness of God?  …the love of God?
  3. How does creation imply that God is the prime mover of reality and life?
  4. What are the implications for mankind if God is the prime mover of reality and life?
  • Approach God’s Word with humility, honesty and teachability

God as Trinity

A2 – The God Who Sends – Matthew 28:19-20

Key Words: God, Trinity, God’s Authority

  1. What is the primary thrust of this passage?
  2. Which members of the Godhead are mentioned in this passage?
  3. If name connotes authority, why be baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit?
  4. Why do you suppose these three are presented together?
  5. How does this passage bolster the idea of Trinity?
  6. How does the idea of Trinity bolster the imperative of the passage?
  7. What does this passage teach regarding the authority and power supporting the mission of the church?
  8. What does the passage reveal about the heart of God?
  • Approach all scripture prayerfully open

A3 – The God Who Grows – Ephesians 3: 14-19

Key Words: God, Trinity, Spiritual Growth

  1. Which members of the Godhead are mentioned in this passage?
  2. What role does the Father play in spiritual growth?
  3. What role does the Son play? What role does the Holy Spirit play?
  4. What does the presence of the Trinity in our spiritual growth communicate regarding God’s goals or will for our lives?
  5. How does the ministry of each member of the Trinity contribute to what Paul calls in verse 19 “the fullness of God?”
  6. Do we see the Trinity expressed in verse 20… explain?
  7. Do we see Trinity expressed in the following verses in 4:1-6?
  8. What do these verses in chapter 4 teach regarding how active and engaged each member of the Godhead is in our spirituality and development?
  9. Does it bring you comfort to know that God is working in you as verse 20… explain?
  • These questions are only suggestions, allow the Holy Spirit to be your guide

A4 – The God Who Gives – Isaiah 9:6

Key Words: God, Prophecy, Trinity, Deity of Christ, Sovereignty, God’s Eternal nature

  1. Who do you believe this passage is referring to?
  2. Why is this passage so remarkable given that it was written centuries prior to the birth of Christ?
  3. What does this passage teach regarding the nature of Christ?
  4. What does it teach regarding the deity of Christ?
  5. Are the Father and Holy Spirit referenced in this passage as well… how?
  6. What does it say when members of the Godhead have titles used interchangeably?
  7. How does this passage indicate that the members of the Godhead are both separate and the same?
  8. What does this text reveal about the ministry and purpose of God?
  • These questions are simply a foundation for you to build upon

Deity of Christ

A5 – The God Who Lives – John 20: 24-31

Key Words: God, Resurrection, Deity of Christ

  1. What is the reaction of Thomas to the risen Christ?
  2. How does Jesus respond to Thomas’s declaration?
  3. If Jesus was not God, do you believe he would have allow Thomas to worship him in this way?
  4. How does the declaration of Thomas bolster the identity of Christ given in verse 31?
  5. What did Thomas believe about Jesus prior to this event
  6. What did Thomas believe after this event?
  7. How did this event change Thomas?
  8. How does the Resurrection change everything for everyone?
  • Create your own study by adding and subtracting questions as needed

A6 – Jesus is the Word – John 1: 1-18

Key Words: God, Jesus-Word, Creation, Creator, Trinity, Incarnation, Salvation

  1. How do we know the “Word” is Jesus from this passage?
  2. What essential qualities of God does this text state the Word possesses?
  3. What does the light and life of verse 4 communicate to you regarding the identity and ministry of Jesus?
  4. Jesus is called the creator in this passage… how does that reconcile with Genesis 1?
  5. Does God referring to himself in the plural tense (let us make man is our image) shed light on John 1?
  6. Does the Word become flesh in verse 14 represent the most remarkable event in history… explain?
  7. How do these verses sum up the story of Jesus?
  8. How do they sum up the story of salvation?
  9. How does verse 18 once again emphatically state the deity of Christ?
  • Your questions are probably better than mine

A7 – The Exaltation of the Son – Hebrews 1

Key Words: God, Deity of Christ, Sovereignty, Creation Creator, Exaltation of Christ, idols

  1. What voice is used in this passage… who is speaking… and about whom?
  2. Which lines would be inappropriate if Jesus was not God?
  3. List the various ways this text states or implies the deity of Christ.
  4. God commands angels to worship the Son; where in scripture does God suffer his creation worshipping another?
  5. What do the 10 commandments teach about idolatry?
  6. To what throne and kingdom do verse 8 refer?
  7. Does God give or loan sovereignty to others?
  8. Why would God refer to Jesus as God in verse 8?
  9. According to verse 10, what role did the Son play in creation?
  10. What does Genesis 1:1 say regarding the identity of our creator?
  11. How does the tone of this passage drive home the deity, excellence and exaltation of Christ?
  • Interrogatives are keys that unlock wonderful secrets 

A8 – The Fullness of God – Colossians 1: 15-19

Key Words: God, Deity of Christ, Ministry of Christ, Creator, Creation, Sovereignty, Father God

  1. How many ways does this text state or imply the deity of Christ?
  2. Which activities of Jesus parallel the activities of the Father in this text?
  3. Which activities are unique to Christ?
  4. What does it mean to have the fullness of God dwell in Christ?
  5. Some use verse 15 to prove that Christ was a created being, how does the rest of the text refute that idea?
  6. Respond to the following statement: ‘this text implies that Christ created all things, sustains all things, and will reconcile all things to himself.’
  7. How does Christ reconcile all things to himself and what does that communicate about God?
  8. What role then does Christ play in God’s creation, and what does that imply?
  9. Is it possible for Jesus to possess sovereignty and supremacy without being God?
  • Be like a detective who interrogates scripture 

Deity of the Holy Spirit

A9 – The Ministry of the Spirit – 1 Corinthians 2: 10-16

Key Words: God, Holy Spirit, Trinity

  1. What clues does this text give us that the Father and the Spirit are separate personalities?
  2. How do we see the Trinity expressed in this passage?
  3. How does this passage indicate the Holy Spirit is divine?
  4. According to the text, what is the ministry of the Holy Spirit?
  5. How is the ministry of the Spirit something only God can do?
  6. In what ways does the Holy Spirit enable us to connect with God?
  7. What are the other benefits of the Holy Spirit in our lives?
  • The insight is found in scripture; questions are simply tools to mine the ore

The Holiness and Splendor of God

A10- Holy Holy Holy – Isaiah 6: 1-5

Key Words: God, God’s Holiness, Glory, Sin, Forgiveness, Angels

  1. What do you suppose is the significance of the angels repeating the word “holy” three times (It’s worth looking up)?
  2. What is the definition of the word “holy” (Again, it’s worth looking up)?
  3. How is the world filled with the glory of God?
  4. Why is Isaiah ruined? What does this passage teach about the compatibility of holiness and sin?
  5. What is the remedy for Isaiah’s sin?
  6. Who provides the remedy? How does the remedy for Isaiah’s sin reflect the remedy for our sin?
  7. What adjectives come to mind regarding God when reflecting on the tone and images of this passage?
  8. What do you think it will be like on the day you stand before the holy and living God of the universe… how will you react?
  • Follow the lines of curiosity 

A11 – The Wonder of His Presence – Revelation 4
Key Words: God, Angels, God’s Presence, Beauty, Wonder, Power, Immutability, Sovereignty, Knowledge

  1. What parallels does this passage have with Isaiah 6?
  2. Which of all God’s qualities do the angels in heaven emphasize most?
  3. How and why does his holiness incorporate so many other amazing qualities of God?
  4. What does this text indicate about God’s power?
  5. What about his immutability?… His sovereignty?… His knowledge?… His beauty?
  6. How does the human spirit respond to this?
  7. How do the elders respond in the text?
  8. Does sin in our lives make a difference to how we respond to the presence of God?
  • Group leaders may wish to consult a commentary for background information 

The Sovereignty of God
A12 – The Scope of God – Job 11: 7-9

Key Words: God, God’s Greatness, Sovereignty, Eternal Nature, Power, Immutability

  1. How would you respond to the question of the passage?
  2. Why is this passage relevant… is God and his sovereignty questioned today?
  3. Does the text imply that God has limits, or that he does not have limits?
  4. What is the poetry of the passage communicating?
  5. What does it say about God’s sovereignty?
  6. What about his power? What about his immutability?
  7. What about his infinite nature?
  8. What are the implications of an infinite God?
  9. How does this passage speak to the humanistic mindset and worldview of our times?
  • Seek to connect the dots with other scriptures and Bible content 

The Omnipresence and Omniscience of God

A13 – The God Who Sees – Job 34: 21-22

Key Words: God, God’s Sovereignty, knowledge, Ever-Presence, Justice, Judgements

  1. What does this verse reveal about the activity of God?
  2. Is there anything that escapes his notice?
  3. What does omniscience imply about the abilities of God?
  4. What does omniscience imply about the nature of God?
  5. In other words, what does the all-seeing nature of God imply about his physical limitations or lack of physical limitations?
  6. What does omniscience reveal or imply about God’s omnipresence?
  7. Is it comforting or unnerving for you to consider the omniscience of God?
  8. How does God’s omniscience relate to our trust in him: in his guidance, in his wisdom, in his teaching, in his word, in his perspective, in his justice, in his sovereignty, and in his judgments?
  • There are no greater tools for effective Bible study than humility, honesty, and diligence

A14 – The God Who Knows – Hebrews 4:12-13

Key Words: God, Knowledge, Ever-Presence, Judgment

  1. What does this passage teach regarding God’s ability to know us and our deeds?
  2. According to this passage, what is hidden from God?
  3. What does the text mean when it says that “everything is uncovered and laid bare before his eyes?”
  4. Does that mean he simply sees our deeds?
  5. Does this mean that he understands what is behind them… explain?
  6. How do we know this includes our thoughts and attitudes as well?
  7. What does it say about God that he not only sees our deeds, but that he sees our hearts as well?
  8. What is the context of the passage?
  9. What is the ability of the one before whom we must give an account?
  10. How does this indicate we should live our lives?
  • You are responsible for your level of engagement

A15 – The God Who Cares – Psalm 139: 1-10

Key Words: God, God’s Knowledge, Power, Care, Ever-Presence

  1. Do you ever feel that God is absent or that he can’t possibly understand what you are going through… explain?
  2. Do such times dishearten you or weaken your faith?
  3. What is the spirit of this Psalm as David lauds God’s omniscience and omnipotence?
  4. How do verses 1-4 describe the extent and intimacy of God’s knowledge of us?
  5. What insight do verses 5-6 give us regarding God’s intentions towards us?
  6. How is God’s intimate knowledge of us a reflection of his love and care for us?
  7. How are verses 7-10 given as an expression of comfort for David?
  8. Does it give you comfort to know that God always sees and understands what you are going through?
  9. How does God’s omniscience and intimate caring enable him to guide and sustain us as verse 10 talks about? How does this passage bolster your faith and love for God?
  • Go beyond the obvious by avoiding “Yes” or “No” answers

A16 – I Am Known – Psalm 139: 11-16

Key Words: God, God’s Knowledge, Power, Care, Creator

  1. How is it possible for some people to feel lost or lonely in a crowd of people?
  2. What is the connection between knowledge, intimacy, and love?
  3. Most of the time we think of God’s omniscience as referring to the world, what does God’s omniscience imply about his knowing you?
  4. Does God know you better than you know yourself… explain?
  5. What does this text teach about God’s motivation and purpose for creating you?
  6. What does such knowledge imply about his intentions and posture towards us?
  7. How does it feel to be known and loved by God?
  8. Does this impact the value each of us have as human beings?
  9. Does this impact the accountability we have as human beings?
  • Sit and think before answering

A17 – The Infinite God – Job 42

Key Words: God, Power, Sovereignty, Trials

  1. Do you sometimes feel the world is out of control and subject to chaos or evil… explain?
  2. If you know Job’s story, how would you have felt in his shoes regarding the cruelty and random nature of life?
  3. What two statements does Job make regarding God in verse 2?
  4. Do either of these statements have limits?
  5. What do these qualities imply regarding the extent of God’s power?
  6. What do these qualities imply regarding the extent of God’s sovereignty?
  7. According to verses 3-6, what do these qualities imply about God’s authority in our lives?
  8. How did God demonstrate his power in Job’s life at the end of the chapter?
  9. How does Job’s view of God change from the beginning of his calamities to after his calamities?
  10. Is there any reason to believe God cannot accomplish what he desires?
  11. Does his power and sovereignty bring you comfort in the face of a seemingly out of control world?
  • Thoughtful silence is the soil of epiphany

A18 – The Depth of the Riches of God – Romans 11:33-36

Key Words: God, God’s Knowledge, Power, Self-Sufficiency, Sovereignty

  1. Some people are intimidated by the infinite nature of God, how does this passage convey the wonders and goodness of such qualities?
  2. Which qualities of God does this passage highlight?
  3. The first line in verse 33 poetically refers to God’s omniscience, what point are the final two lines of the verse making?
  4. Why is it a good thing that God is not accountable to us?
  5. Why do human beings things have a tendency to question God?
  6. If we could actually counsel God and direct his steps, would that make him less than God… explain?
  7. Why is the self-sufficiency of God spoken in verse 35 a necessity of his deity?
  8. According to verse 36 what is the power behind creation?
  9. What is the power that holds together and sustains the universe?
  10. Is there anything in all creation that exists outside of the purview of God?
  11. Why is it important to us for God to be all these things?
  12. If God is the prime mover in all creation, what does the text indicate regarding our posture towards him?
  •  Seek Nuance

The Righteousness of God

A19 – The God of Grace – Exodus 34: 1-7

Key Words: God, God’s Grace, Mercy, Power

  1. How does God demonstrate great affection for Moses in this passage?
  2. How does God show grace towards Moses?
  3. How does God demonstrate is care for the people in this passage?
  4. This took place after the Israelites had sinned by making and worshipping a golden calf, how did this impact their ability to enter God’s presence (Vs 3)?
  5. How are God’s power and love juxtaposed in this text?
  6. How are God’s justice and mercy juxtaposed in this text?
  7. Which qualities of God mentioned in this passage most impress you… explain?
  8. Which of the qualities of God mentioned in this passage most comfort you… explain?
  9. What did it mean to Moses for God presence to pass in front of him?
  10. What insight does the text give regarding how God relates to us?
  • Be sure to explore all the resources for each doctrine, virtue, and practice

A20 – The God of Love – Romans 5: 6-8

Key Words: God, God’s Care, Righteousness, Love, Sacrifice

  1. The word righteous means right relationship, what is it that destroys our relationship with God and separates us from him?
  2. What words and concepts does this passage use to describe the state or condition of our souls?
  3. What did God have to do to make our relationship right with him?
  4. Who damaged the relationship between us and God?
  5. What does this indicate about God’s commitment to righteousness?
  6. What inherent qualities make us worthy of Christ’s sacrifice?
  7. How does the fact that we are unworthy reflect on his righteousness?
  8. What motivates God towards righteousness in his relationship with us?
  9. Does God’s love towards you proven by his sacrifice for you influence you feelings or posture towards him?
  • Remember there are additional studies in the Key Scriptures section

The Supremacy of Christ

A21 – Worthy is the Lamb – Revelation 5

Key Words: God, Christ’s Exaltation, Lamb of God, Deity of Christ, Worship

  1. Do you think most people have an image of a benign Christ or of an infinitely intimidating Christ?
  2. What image of Christ is presented in this passage and how does it differ from how most people see Jesus?
  3. Why are the people in heaven weeping at the beginning of the passage?
  4. What is the significance of the scrolls and seals?
  5. The scrolls and seals represent destruction of the world system, what hope do they offer?
  6. Who is able to usher in the Kingdom God?
  7. What qualifies the Lamb to usher in God’s Kingdom?
  8. If seven represents perfection, how does that impact our understanding of the events in this text?
  9. How does this passage support the deity of Christ?
  10. What does the event in this chapter add to the event in chapter 4 regarding the qualities and nature of God?
  11. What implications of Christ’s being does this passage present regarding our posture towards him?
  • Remember there are other learning and scripture studies in the Growing Exercises section

A22 – The Humble Yet Exalted Christ – Philippians 2: 5-11

Key Words: God, Christ’s Deity, Humility, Exaltation, Servant

  1. What paradox is presented in this passage?
  2. To what does the text refer when it says Christ humbled himself?
  3. Name the various ways Christ expressed humility through the incarnation?
  4. How does the humility of Christ reinforce the deity of Christ?
  5. In what additional ways does this text reinforce the deity of Christ?
  6. What does this passage reveal about the nature of God?
  7. What is the ultimate reason for Christ’s ultimate exultation?
  8. Who exactly will worship Christ and when will this happen?
  9. Why is the incarnation a reason for exaltation?
  10. How should Christ be exalted in our lives?

The Judgement of God

A23 – The Perfect Judge – Revelation 20: 11-15

Key Words: God, God’s Judgments, Judgement, Justice, Book of Life

  1. Do most people view the coming judgment as a good or bad thing… explain?
  2. How do you view the judgment?
  3. Who will be present at the judgment?
  4. Who is the judge? According to what are we judged?
  5. How fallible or infallible are the judgments?
  6. How do we avoid being judged by our deeds?
  7. Why is being judged by our deeds not in our best interested?
  8. What standard does God use to judge our deeds?
  9. How does God know our deeds?
  10. How do we have our name written in the book of life?
  11. What happens to those who are judged according to the deeds?
  12. What happens to those whose names are written in the book of life?
  13. How can we know if our names are written in the Lamb’s book of life (See 1 John 5:13)?

A24 – Treasure in Heaven – 1 Corinthian 3: 10-15

Key Words: God, Judge, Eternal Treasure, Earthy Treasure, Judgment, Rewards,

  1. In what way are all of us constructing a house with our lives?
  2. On what different foundations do people build their lives?
  3. How do we know this passage is talking about only Christians at the judgment?
  4. Read the entire chapter… what is the context of the passage?
  5. What point is Paul trying to make?
  6. How does this passage build on the words of Jesus in Matthew 6: 19-21?
  7. Which deeds are being evaluated in this passage?
  8. What about our sins, are they not being judged here… why not?
  9. What determines whether deeds are treasure or trash?
  10. What do you think such treasure will mean to you at that time?
  11. How do we practically make Jesus the foundation of our lives and what does that have to do with our deeds?
  12. Why does treasure in heaven far surpass treasure on earth?

The Resurrection of Jesus

A25 – The Third Day – Matthew 28: 1-10

Key Words: God, Jesus Resurrection, God’s Power, Witnesses

  1. How do you respond to the claim of the Resurrection of Jesus: skepticism, faith, indifference, or other… explain?
  2. What were the two Marys expecting when they came to the tomb that morning?
  3. Describe what happened when they came to the tomb?
  4. How and why is the reaction of the two Marys different from that of the guards?
  5. How does the angel validate and prove God orchestrated the event?
  6. What measures did the authorities make to keep this event from happening?
  7. Would the disappearance of Christ’s body have been impossible apart from the power of God… explain?
  8. What did the angel explain to the two Marys?
  9. What did he ask them to do?
  10. Explain the emotions of the two Marys when they ran away?
  11. What impact did Jesus appearing to them have on their emotional state?
  12. What details from the story give it credibility and validate its authenticity?

A26 – Getting the Story Straight – Matthew 28: 11-15

Key Words: God, Resurrection

  1. What would have happened to Christianity if the enemies of Christ produced his body after the resurrection?
  2. Why did they not produce the body?
  3. How easy would it have been to refute Christianity if Christ did not rise from the dead?
  4. What do the Roman soldiers and religious leaders have in common?
  5. What is the real purpose behind their meeting?
  6. Is it even possible for disciples to steal the body from a guarded tomb with a huge stone in front without waking the guard… explain?
  7. How does knowing that Roman guards could be put to death for sleeping while on guard change the way we read these events?
  8. The idea that the disciples stole the body of Jesus is still perhaps the greatest theory people have to explain away the resurrection, how does this theory actually help prove the resurrection rather than discredit it?
  9. What does it indicate about Jesus that his resurrection cannot be adequately explained away by his enemies at the time?

A27 – In the Flesh – Luke: 24: 36-44

Key Words: God, Jesus Resurrection, Prophecy

  1. What emotional state do you feel the disciples were in after the crucifixion of Jesus?
  2. Do you think any of them expected to see Jesus alive again?
  3. Jesus did not initially appear to his disciples, what do you think their reaction was to the story of the women Jesus appeared to first?
  4. What was the reaction of the disciples of the disciple when Jesus finally appeared to them?
  5. What does the reaction of the disciples reveal about their emotional state?
  6. Why did Jesus insist that they touch him?
  7. Was it significant that Jesus ate in their presence… explain?
  8. Is it possible someone could have fooled the disciples, or did they know Jesus too well… explain?
  9. Do you believe the disciples were convinced they truly saw the resurrected Jesus?
  10. Why did Jesus indicate events had to unfold the way they did?
  11. How does prophecy further validate the resurrection?
  12. Could anything but the resurrection explain why the disciples moved from being frightened and in hiding after the crucifixion to boldly giving their lives after the resurrection… explain?

A28 – Doubting Thomas – John 20: 24-31

Key Words: God, Jesus Resurrection, Faith

  1. In what ways do you relate to Thomas?
  2. Describe the mindset of Thomas after everyone claimed to have seen the resurrected Jesus except him?
  3. How is Thomas reflective of many people in society?
  4. What two things does Jesus ask Thomas to do?
  5. In ways does Jesus still ask these same things of people today?
  6. Do you believe that an honest examination of the resurrection will weaken or strengthen your faith… explain?
  7. How does Thomas react, and what all is implied by this reaction?
  8. Thomas eventually gave his life for Jesus, how must Thomas change to become a willing martyr for Christ?
  9. Can anything other than Thomas genuinely seeing the resurrected Jesus explain this change?

A29 – The Significance of the Resurrection – 1 Corinthians 15: 12-28

Key Words: God, Jesus Resurrection, Hope

  1. Does all of Christianity rise and fall on the resurrection… explain?
  2. List all of the things Paul says are useless and futile if there is no resurrection?
  3. Is Paul essentially saying that all Christians are fools if there is no resurrection… explain?
  4. Is this passage really about hope… explain?
  5. Reversing Paul’s logic, what things are actually true if the resurrection is true?
  6. What does Paul mean when he calls Christ the ‘firstfruits?’
  7. How does this passage validate our own resurrection?
  8. How does the text describe the ultimate result of the resurrection in verses 22-28?
  9. Is it possible to make any conclusions regarding the historicity of the resurrection today… some scholars believe the resurrection is the most provable event in ancient history… how might someone find out for sure?


  1. Make a list of the attributes of God. Check multiple sources such as study Bibles; Bible reference helps such as topical Bibles, Bible handbooks and guides; your pastor, trusted web resources, etc…
  2. Research the Bible attributes that remain a mystery to you. Do a word study on concepts such as holiness, immutability, Trinity.  Which attributes of God intrigue you?  Find out more about them.  Present and discuss your findings with your coach.
  3. Prepare a 5 week Bible Study on your 5 favorite attributes of God.
  4. List 5 ways the God of the Bible differs from the God of each of the following religions:
    • Islam
    • Hinduism
    • Mormanism
    • Jehovah Witnesses
    • Scientology
  5. Although agreeing on the fundamental attributes of God, different schools within Christendom promote ideas that reveal subtle differences in the way they view God. For example: some may focus more on God’s love and grace while another may focus more on God’s sovereignty.  Study and explain the nuances between various faith traditions and theologies.  For example, how do Catholics and Protestants view God differently?  What about Calvinism, or Arminianism, or Dispensationalism, or Pentecostalism, or Fundamentalism, or Open Theism?  Which aspects of God do these various traditions emphasize or minimalize?  Which attributes of God do they differ with other traditions? This exercise can also be done with different Christian denominations.
  6. Research and read various proofs and arguments both for and against the resurrection of Jesus. ‘Evidence that Demands a Verdict’ is a great place to start.  Don’t allow secular, intellectual elitism to cast doubt.  Search out for yourself.  I think you will find that the resurrection can honestly stand up to inquiry.  Discuss your findings with your Christian Friend.


  1. Christian Doctrine by Shirley Guthrie Jr.
  2. Knowing God by J.I. Packer
  3. The Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin
  4. The Jesus I Never Knew by Phillip Yancey
  5. The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer
  6. Evidence that Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell
  7. The Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer
  8. Desiring God by John Piper
  9. The Names of God by Ken Hemphill
  10. Calling God Names by Norman Hubbard
  11. Willmington’s Guide to the Bible by H.L. Willmington
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